Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So....that happened.

Let's note a few things, shall we?

1) It's been a few weeks.

2) It's so NOT entirely my fault. Except for the part where it kind of is. But whateverDON'TJUDGEME.

3) Fruit salad is totally an acceptable brunch option. My noble competitor's opinion notwithstanding.

4) The West Wing is just as awesome as it was 15 years ago. Although the fact that there are only, like, 7 computers anywhere is hilarious. "The Internet is not a fad!" hahahahaha

5) We've moved on to Pasta! Get behind it.

One of the stated goals of this blog is to get us to use our cookbooks instead of constantly trying/failing to cook out of Pinterest. Lemme tell you what, BAD IDEA. If you actually follow the trail back, you find some random 42 year old tossing things at a bowl and then photographing it with bokeh like that actually makes a difference in the final deliciousness outcome. But heeeere:

Zero progress has been made on the front of keeping a tidy kitchen while cooking. This is why I normally wait until both roommates are gone, so that they come back to a lovely SURPREESE of clean kitchen + food.

Also, get a load of how healthy this looks. The color! The texture! THE COLOR.

I don't remember where I saw this - it was on one of those depressing tv shows where they go to some family's house and make them take out all the food and it's packaged and sad and entirely shades of brown. The point is, the more color on your plate the better. I may or may not use that as an excuse to get fully loaded pizza.

Did you know that Stanley Tucci wrote an Italian cookbook? And that it's actually fantastic?


Technically, this is a summer pasta salad, and it's only April but whatever. Still brilliant. Also, I doubled the amount of fresh mozzarella. Because I'm not a heathen. This recipe made a LOT, so hooray for lunch this week! Everyone knows that pasta salad gets better the longer it sits, and if right before serving I toss in a little pomegranate balsamic vinegar, well...that just proves that I'm a friggin' genius.

Me and Toby Ziegler.



    I also applaud your restraint. Let lose in the wide world of pasta recipes, and you pick pasta salad? THAT IS RESTRAINT, MY FRIEND.

    I'm ready for you two to start roasting whole animals over bonfires now. Chop-chop.

    1. Agreed! No more of this salad non-sense. Pasta or Otherwise!

      It's time for the battlers to bring it in a big way. Thanks for your push! Now to get my competitor out of her comfort zone.
